Usui Reiki Master 3

Are you ready to ascend to the pinnacle of your Reiki journey? Lasting Light Wellness invites you to join our Usui Reiki Master Level 3 course, a transformative experience designed for those who are deeply committed to the practice of Reiki and wish to elevate their skills to the highest level.

This course is not just about teaching Reiki, it's about becoming Reiki, embodying the energy and principles in your everyday life. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, designed to deepen your connection with the universal life force energy.

In this course, you will receive:

  • The Usui Master attunement, amplifying your Reiki energy to its maximum potential.
  • The Usui Master symbol, enhances the effectiveness of your Reiki II skills and provides a powerful all-in-one healing tool.
  • Advanced techniques for harnessing Reiki to solve problems and achieve your personal goals.
  • Knowledge of how to create a Reiki crystal grid, a potent tool that continues to channel Reiki energy after it's created.
  • Profound Reiki chakra-clearing techniques to balance and harmonize your energy centers.
  • Comprehensive instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I, II, and III/Reiki Master, empowering you to pass on the gift of Reiki to others.
  • Training on how to perform auric psychic surgery, a technique for removing heavy negative energy from the aura.
  • Earn your Reiki Master Teacher certification

Pre-requisites: You must have completed Reiki I and Reiki II, and have documented at least 10 full Reiki sessions before the beginning of this class (they can be free sessions given to family or friends). If you did not take Reiki II with us then please email us a copy of your certificate before beginning this class.

Embark on this transformative journey and unlock the full potential of your Reiki practice. Become a beacon of healing light with our Usui Reiki Master Level 3 course.

Class dates/prices TBD please enter your contact information to receive a text when the class launches.

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© 2024 Lasting Light Wellness.
All Rights Reserved.