Crystal Magic for

Prosperity and Peace

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-care and abundance? Lasting Light Wellness presents "Crystal Magic for Prosperity and Peace," a course designed to help you tap into the mystical powers of crystals and essential oils. Guided by Kelly Neylan, a seasoned shaman, Reiki Master, and aromatherapist, you'll uncover alternative methods to manage stress and amplify prosperity in your life.

In this course, you will:

  • Discover the art of using crystals and essential oils for stress management and abundance.
  • Learn specific techniques to harness the power of these natural elements.
  • Master the creation of crystal grids, sprays, and baths for holistic wellness.
  • Gain knowledge on specific crystal grid formations for abundance.
  • Immerse yourself in an environment radiating with prosperity and peace.

Join us and surround yourself with the positive vibrations of prosperity and peace. Unleash the magic of crystals and essential oils to create a life of abundance and tranquility.

Class dates/prices TBD please enter your contact information to receive a text when the class launches.

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© 2024 Lasting Light Wellness.
All Rights Reserved.